Smart Jordan


The ‘Smart Jordan Driver’ includes seven sectors with 85 initiatives. The driver targets the implementation of necessary steps to develop a foundation of future-ready talent base, resources, systems, and institutions to upgrade the quality of life for citizens.

Main Goal

Develop and prepare local talents to meet the needs of future skills, required resources and institutions to accelerate economic growth and enhance the quality of life


13 Initiative


Including developing one umbrella entity for human resource development for the education sector, reforming curriculum & pedagogy across the education ladder, as well as reviewing, implementing, & mandating educator training programs.
10 Initiative

Early Childhood Care & Development (ECCD)

Including developing appropriate curriculum and programmes for early childhood learning, establishing a unified ECCD council to be responsible for developing and monitoring a cross-ministerial ECCD plan and developing ECCD programmes, standards and content, in addition to expanding the establishment of cost-efficient ECCD programmes including infrastructure for KGs and nurseries.
12 Initiative

Basic & Secondary Education

تشــمل تطويــر واعتمــاد أنظمــة لالختيــار والتوظيــف والمســاءلة قائمــة عــى الكفــاءة باســتخدام التوظيـف القائـم عـى العقـود لجميـع العامليـن فـي القطـاع، تنظيـم برامـج للتدريـب والاعتمـاد قبـل الخدمـة، واعتمـاد برامـج للتطويـر المهنـي المسـتمر للمعلميــن والمديريــن والمشــرفين.
9 Initiative

Higher Education

Including reforming faculty & staff recruitment mechanisms, scholarships, continuing professional development, promotion, developing entrepreneurship bylaws & regulations, launching industry linkages and labor market assessment for higher education (matching exercise), and launching micro-credentialing for higher education and introducing multiple educational pathways.
17 Initiative

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

Including integration of TVET within a singular governing agency, establishing programmes for TVET educators' training and professional development, and developing National Framework for Work-based Learning.
9 Initiative

R&D & Innovation

Including empowering/reforming/ restructuring the Higher Council for Science & Technology and expand the mission, developing innovation centers to support the public and private sector, building a crucial mass of focused researchers, and launching a branding campaign for Jordan as an R&D & Innovation hub.
8 Initiative

MSMEs, Entrepreneurship & Startups

Including establishing/ empowering a national development authority (Rise Up Jordan), developing a microbusiness incubator & aggregator network, developing and launching the “Start-up Factory” programme, and establishing funds to support entrepreneurs across Jordan.
7 Initiative


Including developing a detailed National Data Strategy cascaded from MoDEE’s Digital Transformation Strategy, activating a regulatory framework for data collection, and exchange, and establishing a National Information System to empower citizens, businesses, and governments in making evidence-based decisions.

Other Implementation Drivers
